Engine Room Flooding on Ships

Floods in a ship’s engine room can have severe consequences, compromising the vessel’s water tight integrity and potentially leading to catastrophic outcomes. The engine room is a critical area of […]

IMO International Tonnage Convention

The International Tonnage Convention, more formally known as the International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969, is one of the vital conventions ratified by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). […]

International Load Line Convention for Ships

The International Load Line Convention establishes a universal system of load lines for ships, aiming to safeguard life at sea and protect marine environments by preventing overloading. This convention outlines […]

Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) on Ships

The Ship Aero Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) is a pivotal component in managing waste on board, ensuring that ships can treat sewage effectively while adhering to stringent international standards. This […]

Man Overboard Drills on Ships

Man Overboard (MOB) drills are a cornerstone of maritime safety training, equipping seafarers with the skills and knowledge to efficiently respond to emergencies involving individuals falling overboard. Grounded in various […]

Ship Lifeboats: A Review According to IMO Conventions

The significance of ship lifeboats cannot be overstated in maritime safety. These critical components are regulated under the International Maritime Organization (IMO) conventions, primarily the International Convention for the Safety […]