The IGF Code: A Comprehensive Overview of Safety for Ships Using Low-Flashpoint Fuels


With the growing global emphasis on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adopting cleaner energy sources, the maritime industry is increasingly turning to low-flashpoint fuels, such as liquefied natural gas (LNG), for propulsion. While these fuels offer substantial environmental benefits, they also present significant safety challenges due to their volatile nature. The International Code of Safety for Ships Using Gases or Other Low-Flashpoint Fuels (IGF Code) was developed to ensure the safe design, construction, and operation of ships using these alternative fuels. This article provides an in-depth exploration of the IGF Code, its structure, key provisions, and the role it plays in promoting safety and sustainability in the maritime industry.

The IGF Code (International Code of Safety for Ships Using Gases or Other Low-Flashpoint Fuels) is a regulatory framework adopted by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to address the specific safety concerns associated with the use of low-flashpoint fuels on ships. The Code was formally adopted by the IMO’s Maritime Safety Committee in June 2015 and became mandatory under the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) in January 2017. The IGF Code sets the standards for the design, construction, and operation of ships using low-flashpoint fuels, with LNG being the most common fuel in this category.

Low-flashpoint fuels, particularly LNG, are characterized by their ability to ignite at low temperatures, which presents significant risks, including explosion, fire, and gas leaks. The IGF Code ensures that these risks are mitigated through rigorous safety measures covering every aspect of a ship’s lifecycle, from design to decommissioning.

Why Was the IGF Code Developed?

The development of the IGF Code was driven by two primary factors: the growing use of alternative fuels in response to stricter environmental regulations and the need to mitigate the safety risks associated with low-flashpoint fuels.

  1. Environmental Drivers: The maritime industry is under pressure to reduce its carbon footprint and comply with international regulations such as the IMO’s 2020 Sulfur Cap and the 2050 greenhouse gas reduction targets. These regulations encourage the use of cleaner fuels like LNG, which significantly reduces sulfur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.
  2. Safety Concerns: Low-flashpoint fuels, while cleaner, pose new safety challenges. The volatility of these fuels increases the risk of fire and explosion. To address these risks, the IGF Code was developed to ensure the safe use of gases and other low-flashpoint fuels, providing detailed technical and operational requirements.

Scope of the IGF Code

The IGF Code applies to all ships using gases or other low-flashpoint fuels. It covers a broad range of safety considerations, including ship design, fuel containment, ventilation systems, fire safety measures, training of crew members, and emergency procedures. While the initial focus of the Code was on LNG, it also provides a framework for the safe use of other low-flashpoint fuels that may emerge in the future.

Key Provisions of the IGF Code

The IGF Code is a comprehensive document that outlines detailed safety measures. These provisions ensure that the risks associated with low-flashpoint fuels are effectively managed across various operational and design aspects of the ship. Some of the key areas covered by the IGF Code include:

  1. Ship Design and Construction
    • The IGF Code specifies stringent design and construction standards to minimize the risks posed by low-flashpoint fuels. These standards cover the fuel containment system, the placement of fuel tanks, and the materials used in construction to prevent leaks, explosions, or fires.
    • The design of LNG fuel tanks, for example, must account for the extremely low temperatures at which the fuel is stored (approximately -162°C) and the potential for gas leaks.
    • The positioning of fuel tanks is another critical factor, ensuring that they are protected from external damage and adequately ventilated to prevent the accumulation of explosive gas.
  2. Fuel Containment Systems
    • The IGF Code sets out specific requirements for fuel containment systems to prevent leaks and ensure the safe storage of low-flashpoint fuels. These systems must be designed to handle the specific properties of the fuel being used, whether it is LNG or another gas.
    • There are strict regulations concerning the double-walled design of fuel tanks, as well as the insulation and temperature control systems that maintain the fuel at stable, safe conditions.
    • Provisions are also in place to deal with the safe transfer of fuel from shore facilities to the ship, ensuring that no leaks or spills occur during the bunkering process.
  3. Fire Safety and Explosion Prevention
    • Given the volatility of low-flashpoint fuels, fire safety is a central concern of the IGF Code. Ships using these fuels must be equipped with advanced fire detection and suppression systems, especially in areas where the fuel is stored or used.
    • Explosion prevention measures are critical. This includes installing systems that can quickly detect gas leaks and automatically shut off fuel supplies to prevent a buildup of explosive gases.
    • Special fire-extinguishing systems designed to handle gas fires are mandatory, along with clearly defined emergency procedures for crew members to follow in the event of a fire or explosion.
  4. Ventilation and Gas Detection
    • Proper ventilation is essential in spaces where low-flashpoint fuels are stored or processed. The IGF Code mandates continuous monitoring of these spaces to ensure that any gas leaks are quickly detected and vented out before they can reach hazardous concentrations.
    • Gas detection systems must be installed in fuel storage areas, engine rooms, and spaces containing fuel-related equipment. These systems are designed to alert the crew to potential leaks and provide time to address the issue before it escalates into a more serious incident.
  5. Crew Training and Certification
    • The IGF Code emphasizes the importance of training for all personnel involved in the operation and management of ships using low-flashpoint fuels. Crew members must undergo specialized training to understand the unique risks associated with these fuels and how to safely handle them.
    • The training includes practical exercises on emergency response, bunkering operations, fire prevention, and leak detection. This ensures that the crew is well-prepared to manage any risks and take quick action in the event of an emergency.
  6. Emergency Response Procedures
    • Ships using low-flashpoint fuels must have detailed emergency response plans in place, covering potential incidents such as gas leaks, fires, or explosions. These plans are designed to ensure that the crew can respond effectively to any situation, minimizing the risk to life and the environment.
    • The IGF Code also requires that ships are equipped with the necessary safety equipment, such as personal protective equipment (PPE), gas detectors, and firefighting tools, to support the crew during emergency situations.
  7. Bunkering Operations
    • Bunkering (fuel transfer) operations involving low-flashpoint fuels are subject to stringent safety requirements under the IGF Code. Bunkering must take place under controlled conditions, with adequate safety measures to prevent spills, leaks, or fires.
    • The transfer process must be monitored by trained personnel, and all equipment used during bunkering must meet the safety standards set out in the IGF Code.

The Role of LNG in the IGF Code

Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is currently the most widely used low-flashpoint fuel in the maritime industry, and much of the IGF Code’s provisions are focused on ensuring its safe use. LNG offers substantial environmental benefits, particularly in reducing emissions of sulfur oxides (SOx) and nitrogen oxides (NOx), which are harmful to both human health and the environment. LNG’s primary advantage is its cleaner combustion process compared to traditional marine fuels, such as heavy fuel oil (HFO). However, LNG’s low boiling point and high flammability necessitate advanced containment and handling systems, which are central to the safety framework established by the IGF Code.

While LNG is currently the dominant alternative fuel in the maritime industry, other low-flashpoint fuels, such as hydrogen, methanol, and ammonia, are gaining attention as potential solutions for decarbonizing shipping. The IGF Code is designed to be adaptable and can be extended to cover these new fuels as they become more widely used. The IMO and other regulatory bodies are already exploring the possibility of updating the IGF Code to include specific safety provisions for these fuels, which come with their own unique set of risks and challenges.


Background and Rationale for the IGF Code

Environmental Concerns and Regulatory Pressures

The shipping industry is a significant contributor to global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, prompting international efforts to reduce its environmental impact. Regulations such as the IMO’s MARPOL Annex VI set limits on sulfur oxides (SOₓ) and nitrogen oxides (NOₓ) emissions from ship exhausts, leading shipowners and operators to explore cleaner fuel alternatives.

Emergence of Low-Flashpoint Fuels

Low-flashpoint fuels, particularly LNG, have emerged as viable alternatives due to their lower emissions compared to traditional marine fuels like heavy fuel oil (HFO). LNG combustion produces significantly less SOₓ, NOₓ, and particulate matter, contributing to improved air quality and compliance with environmental regulations.

Need for a Dedicated Safety Framework

Despite their environmental benefits, low-flashpoint fuels pose unique safety risks, including flammability and potential explosion hazards. Existing maritime safety regulations did not adequately cover these risks, necessitating a specialized code to ensure that ships using such fuels operate safely. Thus, the IGF Code was developed to fill this regulatory gap, providing standardized safety requirements for the use of low-flashpoint fuels in maritime operations.


Objectives and Scope of the IGF Code

Primary Objectives

The IGF Code aims to:

  1. Ensure Safety: Establish mandatory provisions to minimize risks associated with the use of low-flashpoint fuels, safeguarding the ship, its crew, passengers, and the environment.
  2. Promote Environmental Protection: Encourage the adoption of cleaner fuels by providing clear and consistent safety standards.
  3. Facilitate Innovation: Provide a regulatory framework that supports technological advancements and the development of new fuel types.

Scope of Application

The IGF Code applies to:

  • Newly Constructed Ships: All ships constructed (keel laid) on or after January 1, 2017, using gases or other low-flashpoint fuels.
  • Existing Ships: Ships undergoing conversions to use low-flashpoint fuels after the code’s entry into force.
  • Fuel Types Covered: While initially focused on LNG, the code is designed to be fuel-neutral, allowing for future amendments to incorporate other low-flashpoint fuels such as methanol, ethanol, and hydrogen.

Structure of the IGF Code

The IGF Code is organized into several parts and chapters, detailing general and specific requirements:

  1. Part A – General Provisions
    • Chapter 1: General requirements, definitions, and application.
    • Chapter 2: General safety principles and risk assessments.
    • Chapter 3: Ship design and arrangement considerations.
    • Chapter 4: Machinery installations and fuel supply systems.
    • Chapter 5: Fire safety measures.
    • Chapter 6: Electrical installations.
    • Chapter 7: Control, monitoring, and safety systems.
    • Chapter 8: Operational and training requirements.
  2. Part A-1 – Specific Provisions for Ships Using LNG
    • Provides detailed requirements tailored to LNG fuel systems, storage, and operations.
  3. Future Parts
    • The code allows for the addition of new parts addressing other specific low-flashpoint fuels as technologies and industry practices evolve.

Key Provisions of the IGF Code

1. General Requirements and Risk Assessment

  • Safety Objectives: Ships must be designed and operated to ensure a level of safety equivalent to conventional fuel systems.
  • Risk Assessment: A systematic hazard identification and risk assessment process is required to address all potential dangers associated with low-flashpoint fuels. This includes evaluating fuel properties, operational scenarios, and emergency situations.
  • Equivalency Principle: The code permits alternative design and arrangements if they can demonstrate an equivalent or higher safety level through rigorous assessment.

2. Ship Design and Arrangement

  • Fuel Storage:
    • Location: Fuel tanks should be located in safe areas, protected from external damage and away from accommodation and workspaces.
    • Tank Types: Specifies acceptable tank designs (e.g., independent tanks, membrane tanks) and materials compatible with the fuel’s properties and temperatures.
    • Secondary Barriers: Requires secondary containment systems to prevent fuel leakage and ensure structural integrity.
  • Ventilation Systems:
    • Adequate ventilation is mandated in spaces where fuel vapor may accumulate, preventing explosive atmospheres.
    • Redundancy: Ventilation systems must have backup capabilities to maintain safety during failures.
  • Piping and Fuel Supply Systems:
    • Design Standards: Piping must withstand operational pressures and temperatures, minimizing leakage risks.
    • Double-Wall Requirements: In certain areas, fuel pipes must be double-walled or installed within ventilated ducts to contain potential leaks.

3. Machinery Installations

  • Engine Compatibility: Engines and machinery must be specifically designed or adapted to use low-flashpoint fuels safely and efficiently.
  • Shutdown Systems: Automatic shutdown mechanisms are required to activate in case of detected malfunctions or hazardous conditions.
  • Maintenance Access: Design must allow safe and easy access for inspection and maintenance without exposing personnel to undue risks.

4. Fire Safety

  • Detection and Alarm Systems:
    • Gas Detection: Continuous monitoring for fuel leaks using gas detection systems in relevant spaces.
    • Fire Detection: Comprehensive fire detection and alarm systems covering all areas at risk.
  • Fire Extinguishing Systems:
    • Fixed Systems: Installation of appropriate fixed fire-extinguishing systems (e.g., CO₂, foam, water mist) tailored to the specific risks of low-flashpoint fuels.
    • Portable Equipment: Adequate portable fire-fighting equipment must be readily available and accessible.
  • Explosion Protection:
    • Hazardous Area Classification: Defines and manages hazardous zones where explosive atmospheres may occur, dictating equipment and operational protocols.
    • Pressure Relief Systems: Implemented to safely vent excessive pressure from fuel systems, preventing structural damage.

5. Electrical Installations and Control Systems

  • Explosion-Proof Equipment: Electrical equipment within hazardous areas must be certified as explosion-proof to prevent ignition sources.
  • System Redundancy: Critical electrical and control systems require redundancy to maintain functionality during component failures.
  • Emergency Power Supply: Provision for emergency power systems capable of supporting essential safety functions in case of main power loss.

6. Operational Requirements

  • Fuel Handling Procedures:
    • Bunkering Operations: Detailed protocols for safe fuel transfer operations, including pre-transfer checklists, communication procedures, and emergency shutdown capabilities.
    • Operational Manuals: Comprehensive documentation outlining standard operating procedures, safety measures, and emergency responses.
  • Emergency Preparedness:
    • Emergency Shutdown (ESD) Systems: Rapid and effective ESD systems to isolate fuel supply and mitigate incidents.
    • Contingency Planning: Preparedness plans for various emergency scenarios, including spills, fires, and system failures.

7. Training and Competence

  • Crew Training Requirements:
    • Basic Training: All crew members must receive foundational training on the properties and hazards of low-flashpoint fuels, safety procedures, and emergency responses.
    • Advanced Training: Personnel directly involved in fuel handling and system operations require specialized training and certification.
  • Certification and Compliance:
    • Standards Alignment: Training programs must align with standards set by the IMO’s Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping (STCW).
    • Documentation: Proper records of training and certifications must be maintained and available for inspection.

Implementation and Compliance

Flag State and Port State Responsibilities

  • Flag States: Responsible for ensuring that ships registered under their flag comply with the IGF Code through surveys, certifications, and inspections.
  • Port States: May conduct inspections to verify compliance when ships enter their ports, enforcing adherence to international standards.

Certification Process

  • Initial Survey: Conducted during construction or conversion to ensure all design and equipment meet code requirements.
  • Periodic Surveys: Regular inspections to confirm ongoing compliance and proper maintenance of systems.
  • Certification Documents: Issuance of the International Certificate of Fitness for Ships Using Gases or Other Low-Flashpoint Fuels, evidencing compliance.

Benefits and Challenges of the IGF Code


  • Enhanced Safety: Establishes robust safety standards, reducing the risk of accidents associated with low-flashpoint fuels.
  • Environmental Protection: Facilitates the adoption of cleaner fuels, contributing to reduced emissions and improved environmental outcomes.
  • Regulatory Clarity: Provides clear guidelines for shipbuilders, owners, and operators, promoting consistency and predictability in compliance.
  • Innovation Encouragement: Supports the development and implementation of new fuel technologies and propulsion systems.


  • Implementation Costs: Compliance may involve significant investment in specialized equipment, training, and infrastructure.
  • Technical Complexity: Designing and operating systems in line with the code requires advanced technical expertise and capabilities.
  • Evolving Standards: As new fuels and technologies emerge, continuous updates to the code are necessary, requiring adaptability from stakeholders.
  • Infrastructure Development: Widespread adoption of alternative fuels depends on the availability of bunkering infrastructure and supply chains.

Future Developments

  • Expansion to Other Fuels: Anticipated updates to the IGF Code will include provisions for other alternative fuels such as methanol, ammonia, and hydrogen, addressing their specific safety requirements.
  • Technological Advancements: Ongoing research and innovation are expected to improve fuel systems’ efficiency and safety, influencing future revisions of the code.
  • Integrated Regulations: Enhanced coordination with other international regulations and guidelines to streamline compliance and address overlapping concerns.
  • Global Collaboration: Increased collaboration among international bodies, governments, and industry stakeholders to support effective implementation and address emerging challenges.

The International Code of Safety for Ships Using Gases or Other Low-Flashpoint Fuels (IGF Code) represents a significant milestone in maritime safety and environmental protection. By providing a comprehensive and adaptable framework, the IGF Code ensures that the transition to cleaner alternative fuels does not compromise safety standards. It enables the maritime industry to meet stringent environmental regulations while fostering innovation and operational efficiency.

Successful implementation of the IGF Code requires commitment and collaboration from all stakeholders, including regulatory authorities, shipbuilders, operators, and crew members. As the industry continues to evolve, ongoing efforts to update and refine the code will be essential in addressing new technologies and emerging risks. Ultimately, the IGF Code plays a crucial role in steering the maritime sector toward a safer and more sustainable future.

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