GMDSS: Ensuring Safety and Security for Maritime Communication and Navigation

The Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) is an international system used to ensure the safety and security of maritime communication and navigation. The system was established by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and became mandatory for all commercial ships in 1999.

The GMDSS is a set of rules and procedures that ensure effective communication and navigation for ships in distress or emergency situations. The system uses a range of communication tools and technologies, including satellite and terrestrial systems, to provide continuous coverage and enable prompt responses to emergency situations. The GMDSS is designed to ensure that ships are able to communicate with other vessels, shore stations, and rescue services in case of emergency. The system requires all commercial ships to carry a range of communication equipment, including:

  1. VHF radio: VHF radio is used for ship-to-ship and ship-to-shore communications over short distances.
  2. MF/HF radio: MF/HF radio is used for long-range communications with other vessels and shore stations.
  3. Inmarsat satellite communications: Inmarsat satellite communications are used for global communication and can be used for voice and data transmission.
  4. Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons (EPIRBs): EPIRBs are used to transmit distress signals to rescue services in case of emergency.
  5. Search and Rescue Transponder (SART): SART is used to locate a ship or a lifeboat in case of emergency.

The GMDSS requires that all commercial ships carry a GMDSS radio operator who is trained in the use of the communication equipment and can respond to emergency situations. The GMDSS radio operator is responsible for maintaining communication with other vessels, shore stations, and rescue services in case of emergency. The GMDSS also includes a range of standard procedures and protocols for emergency situations, including the use of distress signals, the transmission of emergency messages, and the coordination of search and rescue operations. In summary, the GMDSS is a critical system that ensures the safety and security of maritime communication and navigation. It provides a range of communication tools and technologies that enable effective communication in case of emergency and ensures that all commercial ships are equipped to respond to emergency situations. The GMDSS is an essential element of maritime safety, and all crew members should be trained in its use and implementation.

the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) is mandatory on board commercial ships.

the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) is mandatory on board commercial ships. The GMDSS was established by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and became mandatory for all commercial ships in 1999. The GMDSS is designed to ensure the safety and security of maritime communication and navigation, and requires all commercial ships to carry a range of communication equipment and to have a trained GMDSS radio operator on board.

The GMDSS is mandatory for all commercial ships, including passenger ships, cargo ships, and tankers, regardless of their size or operating area. The system is designed to provide continuous coverage and enable prompt responses to emergency situations, ensuring that ships are able to communicate with other vessels, shore stations, and rescue services in case of emergency. The GMDSS equipment required on board commercial ships includes VHF radio, MF/HF radio, Inmarsat satellite communications, Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons (EPIRBs), and Search and Rescue Transponder (SART). The GMDSS also requires that all commercial ships have a trained GMDSS radio operator who is responsible for maintaining communication with other vessels, shore stations, and rescue services in case of emergency.

In summary, the GMDSS is mandatory on board commercial ships and is designed to ensure the safety and security of maritime communication and navigation. The system requires all commercial ships to carry a range of communication equipment and to have a trained GMDSS radio operator on board, ensuring that ships are able to respond effectively to emergency situations and maintain communication with other vessels, shore stations, and rescue services.


Who is in charge of GMDSS on board ships?

On board commercial ships, the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) is typically the responsibility of the radio officer or communication officer. The radio officer is a trained professional who is responsible for maintaining and operating the communication equipment required by the GMDSS, including VHF radio, MF/HF radio, Inmarsat satellite communications, Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons (EPIRBs), and Search and Rescue Transponder (SART).

The radio officer is responsible for maintaining communication with other vessels, shore stations, and rescue services in case of emergency, and ensuring that the GMDSS equipment is functioning properly. They are also responsible for monitoring distress signals and emergency messages, and coordinating search and rescue operations when necessary. In addition to the radio officer, other crew members may also receive training in the use of GMDSS equipment and procedures. This training ensures that all crew members are familiar with the GMDSS system and can respond effectively in case of emergency.

Overall, the GMDSS is a critical system that ensures the safety and security of maritime communication and navigation. On board commercial ships, the GMDSS is the responsibility of the radio officer or communication officer, who is trained in the use and operation of the required communication equipment and procedures. All crew members may also receive training in the use of GMDSS equipment and procedures to ensure that they are prepared to respond effectively in case of emergency.


Marine Communication

Today, ships generate, collect and transmit an ever-increasing volume of data. To achieve efficient data transfer, wireless communications have been widely adopted for many years. Marine very high frequency (VHF) installations, satellites and WiFi are just a few examples.
Radio media transmission adrift had gone through an ocean change in the only remaining century. After the times of semaphores and banners (which is as yet pertinent today at times), radio achieved an extreme change in marine correspondence adrift.
From the early long stretches of the only remaining century, ships began fitting radio for conveying trouble signals among themselves and with the shore. Radiotelegraphy utilizing Morse code was utilized in the early aspect of the 20th century for marine correspondence.

In the seventies, in the wake of thinking about the investigations of the International Telecommunication Union, IMO achieved a framework where transport to-transport or boat to-shore correspondence was placed without hesitation with some level of computerization, wherein a gifted radio official keeping 24×7 watch was not needed. Marine correspondence between ships or with the shore was conveyed with the assistance of locally available frameworks through shore stations and even satellites. While transport-to-deliver correspondence was achieved by VHF radio, Digital Selective Calling (DSC) concocted carefully controller orders to send or get trouble ready, critical or wellbeing calls, or routine need messages. DSC regulators would now be able to be coordinated with the VHF radio according to the SOLAS (Safety Of Life at Sea) show.

Satellite administrations, instead of earthbound correspondence frameworks, need the assistance of geostationary satellites for sending and getting signals, where the scope of shore stations can’t reach. These marine correspondence administrations are given by INMARSAT (a business organization) and COSPAS – SARSAT (a worldwide government-subsidized office). While INMARSAT gives the extent of two-way correspondences, the COSPAS – SARSAT has a framework that is restricted to gathering of signs from the crisis position and places without any offices of two-way marine interchanges, showing radio signals (EPIRB).
For worldwide operational prerequisites, the Global Maritime Distress Safety System (GMDSS) has isolated the world into four sub-zones. These are four geological divisions named as A1, A2, A3, and A4.

Diverse radio correspondence frameworks are required by the vessel to convey installed ships, contingent upon the zone of activity of that specific vessel.

A1 – It’s around 20-30 nautical miles from the coast, which is under the inclusion of in any event one VHF coast radio broadcast in which consistent DSC alarming is accessible. Hardware utilized: A VHF, a DSC, and a NAVTEX collector (a navigational message for accepting sea and meteorological data).

A2 – This region notionally should cover 400 nautical miles seaward however practically speaking, it reaches out up to 100 nautical miles seaward yet this ought to avoid A1 territories. Gear utilized: A DSC, and radiotelephone (MF radio range) in addition to the hardware required for A1 regions.

A3 – This is the zone barring the A1 and A2 territories. Yet, the inclusion is inside 70 degrees north and 70 degrees south scope and is inside INMARSAT geostationary satellite range, where consistent alarming is accessible. Gear utilized: A high-recurrence radio and additionally INMARSAT, an arrangement of accepting MSI (Maritime Safety Information) in addition to the next outstanding frameworks for A1 and A2 zones.

A4 – These are the zones outside ocean territories of A1, A2, and A3. These are basically the Polar Regions North and South of 70 degrees of scope. Gear utilized: HF radio assistance in addition to those required for different territories.

All seas are secured by HF marine correspondence administrations for which the IMO requires two coast stations for each sea locale. Today practically all boats are fitted with satellite terminals for Ship Security Alerts System (SSAS) and for long-extend recognizable proof and following according to SOLAS necessities.

With the integration of 5G, WiFi and new generation satellites, as well as conventional marine radio communication networks, we will see transformation everywhere. Stakeholders will be able to monitor live audio and high definition (HD) or 3D video collected onboard. Radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags will support through-life asset management, including the tracking status of cargoes, as well as structural and machinery components. Crew will need to be trained to operate multiple communication tools. Evolution will take place in the workflow process. Physical onboard surveys will be replaced by remote monitoring. Regulatory compliance and enforcement will be achieved remotely without visiting the ship. Real-time decision-making in ship management and autonomous operation will become feasible. Emergency evacuation will be conducted more quickly and in a more transparent manner. Consumers will be able to track product supply chains from factories to retailers and scrutinise the shipping footprint along the journey. Meanwhile, we will see an improvement in the quality of interpersonal communication between ship and shore, as well as an improvement in the wellbeing of the crew.


Prepared by MaritimEducation team.

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