Engine Room Flooding on Ships

Floods in a ship’s engine room can have severe consequences, compromising the vessel’s water tight integrity and potentially leading to catastrophic outcomes. The engine room is a critical area of […]

Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) on Ships

The Ship Aero Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) is a pivotal component in managing waste on board, ensuring that ships can treat sewage effectively while adhering to stringent international standards. This […]

Marine Steam Turbine on Ships

Marine steam turbines are one of the oldest types of propulsion engines used on ships, transforming thermal energy from steam into mechanical energy that moves the ship’s propeller. With the […]

Ship Auditing Under ISM Code

Introduction to ISM Code Auditing ISM Code auditing serves as an invaluable tool for improving maritime safety and environmental protection. By auditing a ship’s Safety Management System (SMS), professionals can […]

Ship Surveying by Classification Societies

Ship surveying is far more than just a perfunctory examination; it’s a meticulous evaluation aimed at gauging a vessel’s structural soundness, operational efficacy, and compliance with safety and environmental standards. […]